Early / Absentee Ballot for Voting on College of Complexes Poll for US President

Special Presidential Election Program with Voter's Guide
2 Presentations, Open Microphone, Vote
Saturday, March 5th at 6:00 PM

College of Complexes, weekly free speech forum
Dappers East Restaurant
2901 W. Addison - free parking

Meeting # 3,364 - Charles Paidock, Chair of the National Affairs Committee of the Independent Voters of Illinois (IVI), will present his Voter's Guide for deciding who to vote for in the upcoming Presidential primary, with a powerpoint presentation on the election process.
  Michael Brennan will compare Sanders, Clinton, Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich on health care, winnableness, taxation, the environment, federal spending, gun control, and Social Security.
  Then there will an open microphone for five (5) minutes each on who you think we should vote for. A vote will ten be taken.

Socialist Party USA
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Willie Wilson
Ben Carson
Ted Cruz
John Kasich
Marco Rubio
Donald Trump
Jill Stein
Gary Johnson
Emidio "Mimi" Soltysik