July 20, 27 
Meetings # 3,776, 77
​contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock if you would like to speak at 
cpaidock@hotmail.com or (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell
July 13
Geoengineering and Chemtrails
Meeting # 3,775 - Matt Landman
"Through grassroots activism, film, interviews, and international summits, Matt Landman has gained recognition as a leader in 5G and geoengineering/chemtrail awareness activism. He presents unprecedented and view-changing information directly from official documentation and accepted research. He created the social change documentary Frankenskies, bringing awareness to ongoing atmospheric aerosol injections, chemtrails, weather modification programs and geoengineering. He has hosted a series of conferences, events and protests concerning the questions surrounding chemtrails and relentlessly continues to speak out against the ongoing lies in our skies. In 2018 he hosted the third Global Summit to Stop Geoengineering in Tucson Arizona, protesting the SCOPEX sky-dimming experiment, after which the experiment was placed on ongoing hiatus.

In addition, Matt continues to contest varied Telecom networks with efforts to help citizens locally fight the rollout of the dangerous and disputed 5G data network in their communities. He is currently working on a sequel film titled Frankenskies 2 : Climate Chains, which exposes the false narrative behind climate change and how weather modification programs combined with smart technology and media control will result in humanity's enslavement if gone unchecked. He is also leading a movement to protect humanity from harmful electromagnetic frequencies with his new project, EMF-shielded SPERO Protection Clothing."

Information  https://actualactivists.com/

Movie Frankenstein  https://www.frankenskiesthemovie.com/

EMF Protective Clothing & Accessories  https://speroprotectionclothing.com/

July 6 
Special Independence Day Speaker
25 Mistakes Our Country has Made + 
How to Correct Each One
Anyone in Attendance Can Present Their Own
Meeting # 3,774 - Charles Paidoc, historian
The speaker states that "Overall the United States has been administered fairly well, although there have been instances when we fell short of the mark. The most obvious one is electing the wrong guy president, and not sending someone like Bernie Sanders to the White House, I will focus instead on positions and policies in which we could have made the country an altogether better republic in which to live, but chose not to do so."