Presentation at 5:00 PM CT
The Playground For People Who Think
Our Academic Tradition - One Fool At A Time
All Men By Nature Want to Know Aristotle
Solicitation for Speakers
If you would like to make a presentation, or know
about an individual or organization we should invite,
Charles Paidock
Program Coordinator
(312) 842-5036 or
(312) 714-7790 cell
Mailing Address:
3211 S. Union Ave
Chicago, IL 60616-5251
(312) 842-5036
(312) 714-7790 cell
Topics of Upcoming Meetings # 3,757 - 3,769
"the legendary forum for free-thinkers and iconoclasts" 
"the entire spectrum of the very far out" 
"always ahead of its time, or completely out of step with it" 
"people who have strong opinions on every topic under the
sun, or beyond it"
"the topics are guaranteed to encourage spirited discussion"
"not for the overly sensitive or the politically correct"
"a weekly debate group that attracts outsiders and political obsessives"
"rabble rousers who argue the pros and cons of everything"
"three dollars, a restaurant tab, and an open mind admits anyone"
Chicago Tribune
Lerner Newspapers
Chicago Reader
Chicago Sun-Times
Hyde Park Herald
Third Coast Press
Chicago Magazine
TimeOut Chicago
Inside Northside News
The college maintains no membership, and is operated entirely
on a volunteer basis. All meetings are open to the public.
Statement on Free Speech
Our constitution and laws encourage the freest possible exchange of opinions, ideas, and information. In part, that recognizes our worth and dignity as human beings. To forbid us to speak our minds demeans us and makes us more like slaves or robots than citizens of a free country. But as important as freedom of expression is for us as individuals, it is perhaps more important to society at large.
Continue Your Education All Week Long!!!
To Join Our Email Group, Send an Email
To Disquiet the Minds of the People
Continue Your Education All Week Long!!!
To Join Our Email Group, Send an Email
We Have a
Projector For Your Use
Guest Speaker
Questions + Answers
Audience Rebuttals / Remarks
(5 minutes each)
A Weekly Free Speech Forum Since January 6, 1951
College of Complexes
To Join the Zoom Meeting
By Telephone
+1 312 626 6799, 81216467150#
US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 812 1646 7150
Link to Test
your Computer
for Zoom
To Join Google Group
Send a Blank Email to:
The CoC "Proof there is an alternative universe"
The next open dates are
April 5, 12, 26
at Dapper's Restaurant
2901 W. Addison, Chgo
Tuition $3.00 and food/drink purchase
“Seek the company of clever people” Thales
The next open dates are
April 5, 12, 26
“It does not take many words to speak the truth” American Indian Proverb
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"Fools talk because they have to say something,
wise men speak because they have something to say" Plato