Weekly Free Speech Forum established Jan. 6, 1951
College of Complexes
The Playground for People Who Think
sustaining the academic tradition of  “One Fool at a Time”

Every Saturday at 5:00 PM CT 
Dapper's Restaurant                                                                   
2901 W. Addison, Chicago, Free Parking         The next open dates are
CTA Route 152 Addison                                                                            October 12, 19, 26
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​Upcoming Presentations:


July 27th
Payback: Adopting a New Social Contract, and a 
New System to Pay for It
Why the Top 1% Must Invest in the Rest and How It Can Renew America
Meeting # 3,777 - T. Allen Moon, Author and Lawyer
The speaker states that he will discuss the need for America to adopt -

 (1) a new social contract in which all able-bodied workers under 70 will be guaranteed a job, if the private sector is unable to provide one, that pays a living wage; that all American workers be entitled, as a matter of law, to a decent retirement, adequate health care for themselves and their families, and sufficient post-secondary education to enable them and their children to realize their potential; and 

(2) a new system of taxation to pay for the new social contract. Allen will also provide a PDF of a Q&A, together with his book Payback to explain his reasoning.

PDF of a Q&A:  http://www.collegeofcomplexes.org/Payback_Queations_and_answers.pdf

A Copy of the Book:  
PAYBACK Why the Top 1% Must Invest in the Rest and How It Can Renew America


August 3rd
How the Mind is our Superpower and Tips for Turbocharging It 
Meeting # 3,778 - Tom O'Donnell returns
Young man offers advice to the faculty and students of the College of Complexes on how to improve their intelligence, so we can use improved thinking to get good results and make the world a better place...

Speaker's Recommendation:  "People learn new, powerful knowledge proven true by evidence, use it to think critically and take action to improve the health, financial and safety side of life to increase happiness."

August 10th
Mark Rice
Candidate for U.S. Congress IL 8th District
(vs. Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi)
Intends to apply a “Liberty Litmus Test” to Legislation and Policies
Meeting # 3,779 -
The speaker states that: “The American Dream, our freedoms and our future are my biggest concerns right now and I intend to be an Illinois-centric representative in D.C., working on restoring our economy, our security and our Constitutional Rights, particularly attacks on our freedom of speech and religion….Middle class Americans are fed up and getting drained mentally and financially by a government intent on operating without reform or spending constraints…My work in Congress will be to embrace free and open markets, reject Communism and with your support, restore “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”…for ALL Americans!”

In Congress, these will be my priorities:
Restore and Strengthen the Middle Class
Crackdown on Government Waste and Corruption
Apply a “Liberty Litmus Test” to Legislation and Policies
Safety and Security at Home
Peace through Strength Around the World

Campaign website  https://rice4congress.com/ 
Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/MarkRiceForCongressIL8/ 

August 17th
Chad Koppie
Candidate for US Congress, IL 7th District
(vs, Danny Davis, Democrat)
Meeting # 3,780 – speaking in-person
Chad Koppie is a lifetime farmer. He grew up on a family farm that encompassed 4,000 acres in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. He continued farming in his adult life and currently lives on an 80 acre farm and currently rents 600 acres that he still farms.
“Chad Koppie is one of those rare honest men that will stand firm on principle - He'll stand and fight for the average American, not the priveledged class.”
The speaker states that: “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

"Being a farmer is all about good sense and a no-nonsense way of looking at the world. It means that you work the soil and you make things grow. You provide for your family. And you share the richness of what the world brings you to others. That's Chad Koppie's no-nonsense way of looking at the world too.

If you're looking for an establishment career politician that will say one thing now to get elected then do another once he's in office, then Chad Koppie is not your man."

Facebook Page

August 24th
a one-of-a-kind organization that fosters independence and connection for low-income seniors in Chicago
Meeting # 3,781 - Gail Schechter, Executive Director
​"H.O.M.E. is committed to improving the quality of life for Chicago’s low-income elderly. Our unique set of programs help seniors remain independent & part of their community by offering opportunities for intergenerational living in addition to a variety of citywide support services"

"Each year we provide over 2,500 shopping trips to low-income seniors of 28 buildings, concentrated on the South and West sides of Chicago" 

Mission, Vision, and Values


August 31st
Special Labor Day Speaker on the topic: Labor is the Key
Gene Lantz, President of Dallas AFL-CIO
​Host of the "Workers Beat" radio talk show on knon.org and 89.3 FM every Saturday at 9 AM. 
Meeting # 3,782 -
Gene Lantz, President of Dallas AFL-CiO
​He hosts the "Workers Beat" radio talk show on knon.org and 89.3 FM every Saturday at 9 AM. 
Gene Lantz is the President of Retirees of Autoworkers Local 848 in Dallas. He is the President of the Dallas AFL-CIO -- one of the largest and most effective labor councils in Texas. He is the President of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, the only retiree organization in the state that endorses and supports candidates. He argues that the candidates and parties matter, but not as much as the issues, and not nearly as much as building a strong ongoing progressive movement.

​The speaker states that: "We are all faced with choices about where to spend our time and treasure in the 2024 elections. We could give them to candidates, political parties, identity organizations, or to labor. All of them would be good and far better than sitting it out, but labor is the best choice. Think about the day after the election, win or lose. If your candidate, party, or group won, then you have the vague promises of the winning candidate. If he/she lost, you have less than nothing. If you had worked with organized labor, you would have been building the very core of the progressive movement for whatever comes next. Long ago, non-union individuals did not have the opportunity to work with labor. But today, there are several labor-associated organizations such as the Alliance for Retired Americans -- an organization that takes everybody of any age or persuasion."

Almost everything you see and hear comes from the bosses, or was approved by them. The outlook and opinions of workers get almost no expression. KNON “Workers Beat” talk show is an exception.
Archive of 231 Tracks


September 7th
Christian Nationalism: The Threat
Is America a divinely appointed nation by God that is Christian?
Meeting # 3,783 - Alan Steelman
Alan Steelman, best-selling author, former member of Congress (R-TX), former member of White House Staff, and former Vice Chairmen of Alexander Proudfoot Company. He has served as Chairman of the Dallas Council on World Affairs, a Board Member of Sterling Software (NYSE), Aristocrat Technologies (ASX), and the Texas Growth Fund, Alan is a graduate of Baylor University, holds a master’s degree from SMU, and was a resident fellow at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University.  

Alan will discuss how the very first article in the Bill of Rights, the first amendment to the bedrock of our republic, the U.S. Constitution, enshrines the separation of church and state. “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof”. Our constitution was a revolutionary constitution, the first to declare that power comes from the people. The first not to mention a monarch, God, deity. This was a deliberate choice by the founders, and ours was the first to ban religious tests for public office. 

He points out that there is an evolving threat to this, the most precious of our freedoms, and it is picking up speed at an alarming rate, including in our own state of Texas. Christian Nationalism, as defined by the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, an organization opposed to this idea, is "a cultural construct and political ideology rooted in the belief that America was created by white, European Christians and that our laws and culture should reflect that. Further, America is a divinely appointed nation by God that is Christian, The Founders, rather than wanting to disestablish religion as a unifier, were in fact, establishing a nation based on Christian principles, with white men as leaders, America has a special place not only in world history, but, in biblical Scripture, especially the return of Christ, there is no separation between church and state.”

September 14th
Ashley Ramos
Candidate for US Congress, IL 2nd District
(vs, Robin Kelly, Democrat)
Meeting # 3,784 -
"District 2 of Illinois is facing problems that have been ignored, including illegal immigration, homelessness, human trafficking, gang violence, substance abuse, crimes with no accountability, and the outright erosion of liberty and rights of the people in the district."

Policy Positions  

Pro-Liberty and Pro-Limited Government
Pro-2nd Amendment
Pro-Free Markets
Capitalism works. Crony capitalism must be addressed head on and squashed. Free markets mean anyone and everyone can participate in the system to earn a living and provide for their families. We must not fall for the Socialist and Marxist Communist gimmick that sells the notion the government will take care of you! No. The government does a horrible job of taking care of people. The government is there to protect our rights, and often it seems (based on how politically charged and corrupt is has become because of lobbyists and special interest groups,) if they can't even do that correctly, we cannot trust they will take care of the people. It is up to us to keep government in check too. 
Pro-School Choice
Pro-Strong Border Security
Pro-Voter IDs and Election Integrity
Pro-Medical Freedom
Pro-Term Limits
Pro-Law Enforcement

Campaign website  https://www.electashleyramos.com/
Campaign Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/ElectAshleyRamos/

September 21st
The United States is in a Sharp Decline…The Need for Protection from All of the External Forces
Meeting # 3,785 - Susan Hathaway-Altman, former and possibly future Republican candidate for office from Geneva, IL 11th District
The speaker outlines her political perspective on her campaign website:
“My outlook
I am one tough cookie, and I will always stick to my principles. This nation was formed under God. I will protect us from all of the external forces drawing us into Socialism, or worse, Communism and even a New World Order. I will fervently fight for every person of every age, religion, and race. And my deep-rooted conservative and Catholic Christian faith and regard for Judaism sets my moral compass. I believe in solid Midwestern values and common sense. We need to strive to be a better America in the future; one that is civilized, refined, fair to all, affordable, educated, considerate, charitable, peaceful, and a great place to live for every family in the nation.”

September 28th
Why Trump is the Candidate, and Fascism is Taking Over the US
Meeting # 3,786 - college regular Sidney Cohen


October 5th
Project 2025
A Plan for Dictatorship or a “Glorious Vision” for the USA?
Outlining specific actions to be taken within the first 180 days of the new, incoming Republican Administration
Meeting # 3,787 - college moderator Tim Bolger
Tim Bolger will give a factual account of what Project 2025 does, and how it will impact the US and its government. Tim will outline the overall details, and highlight some spots where it can be a most dangerous blueprint for society, and the goals some people mistakenly think “is a glorious vision” for the country. In short a comprehensive analysis of Project 2025.

From the Project's website:
"Project 2025 is a plan outlining specific actions to be taken within the first 180 days of the new Republican Presidential Administration. These actions aim to provide swift relief to Americans affected by the Left’s policies.

Organized by the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 has brought together 45+ right-of-center organizations that are ready to get into the business of restoring this country through the combination of the right policies and well-trained people.

In November 2016, American conservatives stood on the verge of greatness. The election of Donald Trump to the presidency was a triumph that offered the best chance to reverse the left’s incessant march of progress for its own sake. Many of the best accomplishments, though, happened only in the last year of the Trump administration, after our political appointees had finally figured out the policies and process of different agencies, and after the right personnel were finally in place."

October 12, 19, 26
Meeting # 3,788+ contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock if you would like to speak at 
cpaidock@hotmail.com or (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell

Website  https://susan4congress.com/ 

Facebook Page  https://www.facebook.com/susanforcongress/ 

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