Weekly Free Speech Forum established Jan. 6, 1951
College of Complexes
The Playground for People Who Think
sustaining the academic tradition of  “One Fool at a Time”

Every Saturday at 5:00 PM CT 
Dapper's Restaurant                                                                   
2901 W. Addison, Chicago, Free Parking          The next open dates are:
CTA Route 152 Addison                                                                            March 1, 8, 22, 29
Tuition $3.00 and food/drink purchase                                                  Contact the Program Coordinator
                                                                                                                    if you would like to speak at  
All meetings open to the public, no membership is maintained          cpiaidock@hotmail.com                                                                                                                                                   (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell
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www.collegeofcomplexes.org ​                                                                

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1 312 626 6799, 8 121 646 7150# US (Chicago) 
1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 
Meeting ID: 812 1646 7150

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Free Speech On-Line List of Links / Powerpoint Slide Presentations

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Send a Blank Email to:  collegeofcomplexes+subscribe@googlegroups.com

Join our Meetup Group
in order to receive weekly speaker / topic information

​Upcoming Presentations:


January 4th
Open Microphone
Your Predictions for 2025, and Beyond
Meeting # 3,799 - contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock if you would like to be a keynote speaker at this meeting - cpaidock@hotmail.com or (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell

January 11th
Why Conspiracy People Don't Know Anything
Meetings # 3,800 - researcher and 911 debunker Bill Lee returns

January 18th
Communism and Capitalism— A Case Study
Meeting # 3,801 - socioeconomic analysis by Eric Mao
The speaker states "​Instead of talking on general terms, let's look at a real-life example of communism in action, and its flip side, capitalism. Eric will discuss the modern China's experience in communism: the backdrop, process, outcome, and the future. For the flip side, he will cover pre-communism China, contemporary Taiwan and the origin of capitalism--US and the West."

January 25th
The Counter-Enlightenment
Meeting # 3,802 - essay on society by Robert Holland
The speaker states that "Human society is marked by continuous discontentedness with the conditions of everyday life. When dissatisfactions peak, movements arise that propose to either restore the past or progress rapidly to the next phase. Multiple doomsday scenarios identified over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries now cause many to repudiate the Enlightenment and seek to dismantle its cultural inheritance. The emerging Counter-Enlightenment signals a shift in deep culture as human history leaves behind the Modern Period."


February 1st
Dee Knight: Author and Change Maker
Speaks on his new book: 
Befriending China: People-To-People Peacemaking
Meeting #3,803 - his other books, A Realistic Path to Peace, and
My Whirlwind Lives are now out as audio books
Speaker was a Peace Delegate who visited China:
“Key findings: people are happy, life is good, and no forced labor in Xinjiang!”

Information:  https://deeknight.blog/

February 8th
Waging Peace in an Era of Perpetual War
Meeting #3,804 - Walt Zlotow, of the West Suburban Faith-based Peace Coalition
​The speaker states that "We are in our third decade of 'perpetual war' in the United States. Wars are begun but rarely ended. New targets of US warfare keep being added. Perpetual war is never debated in the media, the Congress, the campaign trail; even the Oval Office. How did we get to this point? This presentation will discuss the current state of perpetual war in the US by looking at America's history of warfare and militarism. To facilitate the discussion to follow, It will offer some thoughts on how we as citizens should act as we seek a peaceful world for ourselves and future generations."

Presenter: Walt Zlotow is a retired logistics manager and educator. He has been a student of US wars and militarism for over 70 years, first becoming interested in America's undeclared Korean War (1950-1953). Upon entering the University of Chicago in 1963, he became involved in the anti-Vietnam war movement. Dropping all peace oriented activities after college, Walt renewed his anti-war activism in 2002 when he determined the US was preparing to embark on a wholly unnecessary, made up war against Iraq. He blogs frequently on antiwar subjects at Walt Zlotow Substack and www.heartlandprogressive.blogspot.com

Information:  https://wsfpeacecoalition.wordpress.com/about-wspc/

Februry 15th
Is Nature Something to Fight and be Tamed or 
Is Nature Something to Work With and Admire?
Meeting # 3,805 - college regular and researcher Daniel Weinberg
The speaker states that "Food, urban farms, compost/food waste/landfills, Roundup and health, GMO's and health, USDA farm price supports (welfare), the 2024 Farm Bill, today's fruits' and veggies' nutrition, soil and leaves and grasses and coverage, gardening for food, global warming and plowing and CO2."

February 22nd
Special Presidents’ Day Speaker
What is the National Character of the U.S.?
 If Character is Destiny—what is America's Destiny?
Meeting #3,806 - political analyst Eric Mao
Description: "From the Declaration of Independence to Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, and the "Trump Doctrine"; from slavery to Critical Race Theory; from "give me your tired, your poor..." to the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the H1B visa controversy—Who is United States of America?"


March 1, 8, 22, 29
Meetings # 3,807+ contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock if you would like to speak at 
cpaidock@hotmail.com or (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell

March 15th 
Special International Women’s Day Speaker
Founding Mothers Movement
Meeting #3,809 - Rev. Laura M. George, J.D., Executive Director
Oracle Institute  www.TheOracleInstitute.org
The Peace Pentagon  www.PeacePentagon.net

“Our purpose is two-fold: Empower Women and End War. It is that simple.
The evolutionary impulse supports an upgrade to the human experiment.
Unless we collectively progress into a future that works for ALL, we will lose civilization.
We are determined to do what has NEVER been done before. We are uniting people around the globe to shift the paradigm. We the People possess the consciousness and technology to attain what our ancestors could not achieve: Partnership and Peace. Solving the other issues of the polycrisis will then be possible, including protecting our precious planet and ensuring ethical AI.

Pregnant Earth
Our first task is to build a planetary coalition for Partnership and Peace. Our second goal is to grow our global Women’s Congress and publish the Founding Mothers Proclamation. Then in 2025, the Founding Mothers will commence international, nonviolent campaigns to accomplish our humanitarian objectives.

Throughout this journey together, we will demonstrate courage, wisdom, persistence, and patience. We will trust our partners and maintain faith that our cause is virtuous and for the benefit of ALL.”

Information  https://www.foundingmothers.world/mission

And register for the Women’s Congress TODAY

College of Complexes

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